
Wisdom, balance, truth and light

The principles explained in the following video forms the framework of the most life-changing understanding of wisdom and mindset that I’m yet to stumble upon. This mental principle has made a bigger impact on my finances, company, relationships, mind-game, leadership and family life than any other single principle I’ve implemented.

Are you ready for it? 

Okay! Remember Newton’s third law?

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

Most people don’t realize what Isaac Newton’s third law of motion really means.

Everything is balanced. Everything.

Everything, including matter and energy, goes back and forth in balanced circles, cycles or equivalent. Birth-death, old-young, big-small, strong-weak, start-stop, up-down, rich-poor, beginning-end, fast-slow, hot-cold, pain-pleasure, win-lose, day-night, full-empty, high-low, in-out, success-failure, united-divided, give-receive, creation-destruction, on-off, positive-negative, happy-sad…

Nothing in our physical universe can exist without the contrast of its opposite. Death cannot exist without birth. Old age does not have meaning without the contrast of youth. Cold cannot be measured without the existence of heat. Pure white light is meaningless without the contrasting effect that the shadows of darkness provide. Positivity ceases to exist in the absence of negativity. To chase just one side of life, and to foolishly assume that you can procure it exclusively without it’s opposite – is the source of all human suffering.

Positive and negative forces moving in balance make up the entire physical universe.

There are no exceptions to the laws of nature that Newton revealed. They apply to all matter and energy. Human beings are matter and energy, thus all humans and all human interactions are governed by the same laws.

There is no such thing as objective “good” or “bad” until someone with a limited awareness labels it so.

When you know the truth, you allow yourself to take on the two inevitable sides of life. You acknowledge the good with the bad, and see them as two sides of the same coin. You do this by understanding what the balancing force means. It means that there is an apparent order to all events and circumstances in life. Every heartbreak, every challenge, every setback and every ailment carries within it an opposing force of equal magnitude, awaiting discovery and synthesis.

Individuals with the lowest degree’s of awareness have the highest instances of conscious/unconscious splits within the mind. This leads to more polarized, one-sided judgments of self and others. The time it takes an individual to see the blessing within the curse and the curse within the blessing is directly correlated to the wisdom of that individual.

  • Less awareness = More judgment = Less mastery
  • Conscious of positives + Unconscious of negatives = Infatuation/Naivety
  • Conscious of negatives + Unconscious of positives = Resentment/Skepticism
  • Integration and synthesis of both positives and negatives simultaneously = Balance, Truth, Light

The knowledge and application of universal balance allows an individual to transcend any inclination to hate, worry, envy, disappoint, infatuate, resent, become mad, sad or angry. It literally strips away the power that negative emotions and feelings can have on you. It can remove stress and negative mind-made feelings from your life.


As you start to balance your perceptions in the mind, true life appears. As the balancing act becomes automatic, wisdom emerges.

“Joy and woe are woven fine. A clothing for the soul divine. Under every grief and pine, runs a joy with silken twine. It is right, and should be so; That man was made for joy and woe; And when this we rightly know, safely through the world, we go.” – William Blake

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Lewis, so true my friend. Enlightenment is an existence that we all seek, yet even the guru’s are having a hard time staying there. Balance is an offset of the other…unbalance. More to come, looking forward to it. This is along the road I’m traveling and look forward to reading and watching more of your posts. Cheers mate.