  • New to IP? Start here! In this lesson, we explain what the term "Infinite Prosperity" means. You'll learn the prosperity formula, the two stages of Financial Independence and the four objectives to achieving them.

  • This is our introduction to trading and investing. During this lesson, you'll learn the order of operations to growing and building your wealth on solid, sustainable foundations. That order is: save, invest, trade.

  • Not only is psychology one of the most important components of trading education, it is also one of the least studied among new traders. It is wise to head the advice and wisdom put forth in this lesson.

  • Even the best strategies can eventually blow an account if they are not integrated with strict money management principles. In this lesson, you'll learn a watertight risk management regime.

  • We use Technical Analysis for one purpose: To identify when and where the collective market mind is likely to set order clusters. In identifying these areas, we may act on the side of probability and find an edge.

  • In this lesson, you'll enjoy an eye-opening glimpse into the world of financial brokers. It is wise to know both the altruistic and narcissistic agendas of your broker so you can act methodically and objectively.

  • It is crucial to your long-term success to understand exactly how, when and why you have an edge in the market. Knowing your numbers allows you to realistically align your expectations for profitable investing.

  • Lesson 7 Mindset image

    Our goal is not only to teach you money mechanics - that would be an incomplete teaching. The purpose of Infinite Prosperity is to ensure you also have the mental framework to become a financial master.

  • Module 8 Goal Setting image

    Without having a goal to shoot for, it's extremely difficult to score in the game of life. In this module, we'll take you through an 8-step goal setting routine that could literally change the course of your entire life.

  • Lesson 9 Journaling image

    If you don't measure it, you won't master it. Journaling allows you to track your performance, stay focused and optimize output. In this lesson, you'll learn how to analyze and take responsibility for your results.

Articles in the category of Finance
5 Halloween Facts That Will Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You…

What’s scarier than zombies and Frankensteins? These real-life statistics that all of us desperately need to do something to change: 1) Non-retired Americans, on average, say they will retire at age 66. This projected age of retirement has stayed about the same in recent years but is up from previous decades. During the 1990s, the

The 3 Bucket Wealth Strategy

   The 3 Bucket Wealth Strategy is a simple, effective and highly scalable framework for allocating your money. This is the foundational wealth structure we teach at Infinite Prosperity. Here’s the highlights: Your 3 buckets are Savings, Investments & Speculations. Fill them from your income in this order. Your savings bucket should be a multiple of your

Do You Know Your Millionaire Maths?

If you have to actually go and work for money in a job by moving your physical body into a particular place at a particular time of the day and week, then you are financially dependent. You’re dependent on your boss and on your employment. To that end, the wisest financial goal that you could

How to Invest $5,000

So you’ve got a few thousand dollars, and you want to know where to put it? This is a very, very common question, and here’s my answer… FIRST THINGS FIRST Usually, the people with a few grand asking for investment tips on social media are people looking for a specific stock or a specific crypto currency…

The Best Approach To Personal Finance

In my work with Infinite Prosperity, I speak with 40-50 people a day who are at the start of their personal financial journey. Many of them are constantly bombarded by marketing in the industry. “Secure Your Financial Freedom Today” “Become Financially Independent!” “Financial Security is KEY” You’ve seen all the ads. After delving into the

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