
The Truth About Risk

Every time a reward is available, it will be accompanied with a corresponding risk.

The reward of eating breakfast in the morning is accompanied by the risk of getting out of bed and tripping over your shoes on the way to the fridge.

Unless you’re prepared to take that risk, you cannot reasonably expect the reward.

The reward of creating a $1,000,000 per year income stream is accompanied by the risk of short-term failure, loss, hard work, lifestyle imbalances, social judgement, auditing, taxation hurdles, exploitation by staff and clients, short-term sacrifice.

Generally speaking:

  • Lower rewards are subject to lower risks
  • Higher rewards are subject to higher risks

However, from a big-picture standpoint, there are some massive misconceptions about risk that are often perpetuated by the masses.

One such misconception is that following the “socially prescribed route” is low risk. Or that securing a single income stream in the form of a job is low risk. Or that setting aside your dreams for a particular job is low risk.

Following the socially prescribed route and living your entire lifetime on one income stream while setting aside your dreams for a “secure” job is probably one of the riskiest things you could do.

3 deep truths about risk (that you may want to discover)…

1. Find 100 people who spent their life doing the socially prescribed “low risk” route. If they started a business, invested, wrote a book, followed their dreams, they don’t count. Find people who really did everything “mainstream”. How did their lives turn out? Let their results re-wire the circuitry in your brain. Let their results alter your belief systems.

2. Ask yourself honestly, how can 1 income stream possibly be lower risk than 10? How can 10 income streams possibly be lower risk than 100? Really think about it. With a single job-based income, your entire income returns to zero in two words: YOU’RE FIRED. When you have 10 income streams, and 1 drops out, you’ve got 9 others. When you’ve got 100 income streams, and 1 drops out, you’ve got 99 others.

3. Your most inspired and fulfilled life is on the path of following your vision and your dreams. When you set aside your dreams for some other cause, what you’re really saying is “I don’t deserve to live my dream”, or, “I’m too scared to follow my dreams”. Doing something you hate, instead of “taking the leap” and following your dreams, is NOT a low-risk decision. It’s the riskiest decision that you can possibly make in life.

  • Losing money is not the worst case scenario.
  • Short term failure is not the worst case scenario.
  • Being judged is not the worst case scenario.
  • Facing setbacks is not the worst case scenario.
  • Being wrong is not the worst case scenario.

Living an uninspiring life, lower than your true potential, is the worst case scenario.

Remember what we said in the Infinite Prosperity Course, “The most dangerous risk of all is the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.”

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