How Are You Spending Your Free Time?
I am often approached by people who say they really want a change in their life but that they just can’t seem to make it happen. The first thing I ask them is how are you spending your free time? What people do in their free time is often the difference between those who are successful (by their own definition of the word) and those that never seem to break out of mediocrity.
We all have to start somewhere so obviously in the beginning of your journey majority of your time is going to be filled up with a regular job where you exchange your time for money. I started this way working at a bank and Lewis began as an electrician many years ago. Unless you’ve been hustling since you were very young most people start working in a regular job, realise they want more from life and then go on to make the necessary changes. So it’s safe to say that for most people in the beginning stages most of your time is dedicated to work.
But what are you doing with your free time? While some people are making full use of their free time and spend it learning, practicing and creating to shorten the period of time your 9-5 is required; I find that most people who say they want to make a change are still watching TV each night or spending time on tasks that are unnecessary or could be easily outsourced.
If you’re truly motivated and inspired to change your life and you have compelling enough “why” driving you…there’s no way that you’re going to be keeping up with the Kardashians instead of pursuing your dreams. Changing your life means changing your habits. If you’re finding it hard to remain motivated and often fall back into mediocre thought and action patterns it’s a sure sign that you don’t have a strong enough “why”.
Which brings me to my point. Find out WHY you want to change. “because I want more from life” or “because I hate my job” isn’t a specific or compelling enough reason. You need to get crystal clear on exactly why you want to change, what that will mean for you and your family, how you will feel once you achieve certain milestones, when you will hit certain targets, how you’re going to implement change into your daily routine and truly understand with every fibre of your being WHY you NEED to change (not simply why it would be nice to).
Although I’m a huge advocate for being grateful for absolutely everything you have at this present moment, it doesn’t mean that you can’t put yourself in a mindset of utter discomfort to remain at the same level in life. If you cherish time with your family do that and appreciate the time you currently have, but also use the lack of it as the motivation to push you toward achieving more. You need to be uncomfortable with how you’re currently living life as well as have a strong enough and clear enough “why” if you expect to truly achieve lasting change.
If any of this resonates with you then turn the TV off and do some soul searching. First develop your why, then develop your plan, then spend as much of your free time as possible implementing that plan. Life will become much more fulfilling, exciting, challenging and prosperous…It certainly did for me.
When you put yourself in a position of power you’re able to not only change your own life, but the lives of those around you. We all have unique talents and gifts to share with the world which many fail to provide as they’re stuck playing on the sidelines of life. Stop justifying your current mediocre situation to yourself and get uncomfortable. Those who are prepared to do this are those destined for great things.
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