
How To Move Past Your Biggest Problems

I received a message from one of my YouTube subscribers explaining how life has recently taken a downturn.

Amy, myself and the IP team actually receive these types of message perhaps 4-5 times per day. They’re very common. I wanted to share my response to one of them, as I know there will be a handful of readers who can relate to this situation…

The sketchy contradiction is that we definitely have the knowledge resources to help. Becoming an Infinite Prosperity student, studying Lesson 2, 7 and 8 and getting involved in the community alone will be a massive help. BUT, during times of severe financial struggle, we actually don’t recommend the forex trading component of our teachings. Trading and investing is not an effective strategy to dig your way out of a hole. Here’s my advice…

The message:


The reply:

Thanks for watching my videos. That means a lot!

I’m definitely not going to suggest you go do something like FX trading.

A lot of people come to me in difficult situations similar to your own, perhaps when they are at a temporary lower point in their journey, and they think I’ll tell them to become a trader, and magically all their financial issues will be ironed out and that it will solve all their problems.

I don’t promote fantasies like that.

The reality is that trading, just like any business, requires a lot of time, effort and energy to get off the ground. It can become very stressful. I never suggest “trading your way out of problems”… that’s not advice grounded in reality.

What I would suggest is start with education and reading. Unless you are one of the wisest, most enlightened people on earth – it is very very unlikely that you will have gone through a situation like yours and be truly grateful, loving and present for everything that happened. From similar situations I’ve worked with, you might have self-sabotaging emotions pop up, perhaps resentments toward your ex-partner, perhaps resentments toward yourself and your current situation. You may be living in past regrets, present depressions and future fears. This is very common, and nothing to beat yourself up about.

You CAN educate your way through those feelings, and, in my experience, it’s actually essential that you educate your way through those feelings before you’ll be able to move on to your most inspired destiny.

Here are 4 books I’d love you to read:

  1. The Breakthrough Experience Book
  2. The Gratitude Effect
  3. The Heart of Love
  4. The Values Factor

Yes, they’re all from the same author, Dr. John Demartini.

I’m yet to find anyone else on earth who is able to break people through difficult times as effectively as John. None of his strategies are rooted in hype or airy-fairy positive thinking affirmations… they’re the real deal – and incredibly effective if you apply them.

Read them, and let me know how you go. By book #4 you’ll hopefully start to become clear on your vocational mission. Your “purpose”, if you will. You’ll see exactly why the split had to happen exactly how it did, exactly when it did… then you’ll be left with nothing but gratitude for the split occurring. You’ll also realize that in bankruptcy – you have a phenomenal advantage… you have nothing to lose.

At that point, contact me again and let me know what’s happening and I can guide you on the next step.

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Akhona Bhokani
Akhona Bhokani

Phenomenal, balanced advice Lewis. Thanks