
Infinite Prosperity Ball 2017

This time two years ago I was talking to Lewis about how amazing the Infinite Prosperity community is.

We both agreed that we wanted to do more to bring everyone together.

Most IP students know how rare it is to find others who understand your goals, values, inspirations and uncommon views on life. We thought it was wild that we had thousands of students all over the world who share these beliefs, yet many of whom had never met. Combine this with my love for style and design, and the idea of the annual Infinite Prosperity ball was born.

Infinite Prosperity Ball

In 2015 I was living in Orlando Florida, so we decided to hold our first ball there. Partly for ease of planning and partly because Orlando is a popular travel destination.

My vision has always been not only to create an amazing event that brings people together, but to do it in unique locations that encourage students to travel and experience places they may not have thought of traveling to prior. I scouted several locations, but ultimately decided on the Four Seasons Orlando due to its mix of traditional and contemporary decor, as well as it’s immediate feeling of class and quality.

Being the first year holding an event like this, estimating room size, catering numbers, seating requirements etc. was like shooting in the dark! Instead of leaving it to chance, I decided to limit the number of tickets to 100. I was shown various rooms in the resort, but ultimately I was drawn to one that featured a fire pit,  an outside cocktail terrace, a view of the nightly Disney fireworks and sunset, and a stunning entrance via the lobby’s grand staircase.

Infinite Prosperity Ball
Infinite Prosperity Ball
Infinite Prosperity Ball

Organizing an event of this magnitude would be extremely involved and pricey, but I severely underestimated the extent of both!

After 6 months, 200+ emails, numerous checks, and a few panic attacks later – the time came for us to clean ourselves up and attend the event that had consumed my life for the latter part of 2015.

Lewis was kept very much in the dark about all of my choices (as event planning does not rank high on his values list!) So not only was I excited to see our guests reactions, but to see his also. I think it’s safe to say both were blown away. The event was a huge success, and the fine attention to detail set it apart from anything else we’d ever experienced.

At Infinite Prosperity, we’re blessed to regularly speak with thousands of our students via email… so getting the chance to put faces to those names was extremely rewarding, as was being able to witness lifelong friendships being formed. Hearing how students came to find Infinite Prosperity and how they’ve used the philosophies to transform their lives was so gratifying for Lewis, myself, and the whole team who work tirelessly each day to provide the highest standard of education in our class.

We left that night with very little voice left, but enough to agree that the ball was such a huge success that it would become a yearly affair… another aspect that sets Infinite Prosperity apart from other online education companies.

Watch the official 2015 Infinite Prosperity Ball video:

Fast forward one year and it was time to begin planning once again!

Since Lewis and I were born and raised in Australia, and given it’s the birthplace of Infinite Prosperity, we decided to hold the 2016 ball on the Gold Coast in Queensland.

We wanted to give students some motivation to visit our amazing country, since, the flight down under requires some serious travel time from most places on the planet!

As December in Australia is extremely hot, I decided to spare us all the hassle of suits and ball gowns, and go with a more relaxed cocktail theme. There were several gorgeous locations on the Gold Coast that we investigated – one of them was Pallazzo Versace. As beautiful as it was, it lacked the wow factor and uniqueness I was after.

Having both lived in penthouses at some point, Lewis and I both love the feeling of heights and the sense of perspective looking out onto the world below.

In true IP fashion, we didn’t just want a tall building, we wanted the tallest!

So we decided that Q1 Surfer’s Paradise, the tallest building in the southern hemisphere, would host the 2016 Infinite Prosperity ball.

Infinite Prosperity Ball

Organizing an event from the other side of the world proved challenging, but certainly not impossible.

I worked with an amazing team of planners and created a completely different, but equally as special experience for 250 of our students. Not only was it great to see students come together at the actual event, but this time there were a number of “student mansions” – Huge group houses that our students booked on Air BnB to celebrate their time in Australia together.

Infinite Prosperity Ball

Knowing how hard it was to get around and personally meet 100 students at the first ball, we knew how tight it would be trying to make our way around 250 students in 2016! Because of this, we wanted to offer students another chance to connect with us and the team whilst also showcasing more Australian beauty. So the next day, 30 students and team boarded on the IP yacht for 4 hours sailing the Gold Coast and surrounding waters. This gave us all a chance to connect on a much deeper level and relax after a big night prior!

I am so glad we thought to incorporate this into the 2016 event, as it added the personal touch that such a large event can lack. Not to mention, the yacht and crew were all amazing and treated us like royalty for the day.

Infinite Prosperity Ball

Watch the official 2016 Infinite Prosperity Ball video:

This brings me to the present…

It’s time again to begin crafting another one of a kind experience for December 2017!

My thinking process so far is that we have had 2 warm weather balls, so a change of season is could be nice.

Originally Europe was the plan, however, after multiple student requests for a certain location I had to seriously consider it. After a little investigation and some team chats, it has been decided that the 2017 IP Ball will be held in… drumroll…

Vancouver, Canada


Not only have a heard amazing things about Canada, but it’s also the hometown of our head day trader, Irek Piekarski. Anyone who follows him or his beautiful girlfriend Molly on Instagram know that these two have a real eye for incredible locations. This is why I am extremely grateful to have their help and recommendations on planning this one! I will be confirming the venue this week and am in the final stages of booking for:

December 16th


As I know more I will share the details with you all, whilst leaving the finer details a surprise as always! We will pre sell tickets in the next week or two so you can lock in your spot and start planning the festive season!

Cannot wait to meet more amazing people this year and host another one of a kind event in beautiful British Columbia.
See you there!


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Louis Van de Vyvere

Last year was awesome! I came all the way from Belgium 😀
Sadly I wont be able to make it this year as I’m going back to college, see you in 2019 :p
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