
Win Win Win

In personal and business relationships always look for the WIN/WIN/WIN.

If you follow my Snapchat adventures (Click here to add loopylitez) you’ll recall I recently had a slightly unfortunate run-in with a dishonest camera supplier.

In my travels, I’ve seen many schemes and business’s set up with the primary goal of fleecing clients for the gain of the owners. Often, these schemes are set up in haste, to offset a desperate or urgent financial situation.

Sometimes, these schemes even work… but only for a short period of time.

In the long run, you can never succeed with a win/lose model.

Have you ever heard yourself saying “If only they put that much effort into XYZ, they’d be really successful.”

Always remember, the universe is energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes form. Money is an energy. Services and products are an energy. When you can offer a service to a client who values that service more than they value the monetary price of that service, an energy transfer occurs, and a WIN/WIN transaction takes place.

If your business revenue is not derived from WIN/WIN transactions, that revenue flow is destined to cease.

Always seek to add more value to your products, business, and relationships.

Give more than you get, and your results will flourish. In trading, go over and beyond the results you receive in the beginning. Put in more time, energy and effort than your early results would justify… In the long term, it will pay dividends.

“When you do more than you get paid for eventually you’ll be paid for more than you do.”– Zig Ziglar

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