Feel like you’re stagnating and unable to progress towards your goals? This video is for you.
Articles in the category of Mindset
Technical analysis has faced significant opposition from critics for years. To this day, many people believe that it’s a big bunch of hogwash, poppycock or witchcraft. To be fair, in the context that these judgments are made, we often agree. Indeed, there are many individuals and companies who paint an over-glorified picture of technical analysis. Here’s our position
If you’ve been trying to trade for a while, and are constantly jumping from strategy to strategy, course to course, forum to forum, system to system, mentor to mentor… looking for that one strategy that will change the game… Your issue is not that you don’t have a strategy! On the contrary, you probably have too
The principles explained in the following video forms the framework of the most life-changing understanding of wisdom and mindset that I’m yet to stumble upon. This mental principle has made a bigger impact on my finances, company, relationships, mind-game, leadership and family life than any other single principle I’ve implemented. Are you ready for it?
What you believe subconsciously often tends to reveal itself in reality. For example, let’s say you are facing personal challenges. Your friends suggest that a psychologist may be able to help you. You are skeptical, but decide to book an appointment anyway. You may have the following limiting belief: “Therapists can’t help me, I know